Even when you offer compliance training for employees, there will always be one or more bad eggs who will still remain non-compliant. Some do it unintentionally and that’s fine to an extent, as they will likely become compliant after a discussion. But some employees like maintain non-compliant behavior intentionally, whether it’s failing to follow rules to defying authority!
Not only will non-compliant employees put your compliance training efforts from True Office Learning down the drain, but it can also put people at risk and the attitude can spread to others. That’s why you must address non-compliant employees and their behaviors as quickly as possible. You can follow these tips:
- Meet with the employee
Schedule a face-to-face meeting with the non-compliant employee. Doing so will achieve two goals. One, you gain the opportunity to talk with the employee about their behavior. And two, you have a chance to delve deeper with the employee, uncovering the cause of their non-compliance.
You may be surprised that employees actually don’t know the regulations. Or maybe, they are unhappy with their jobs or are going through difficult situations in their personal life, among other issues. Either way, knowing the issue may allow you to provide guidance or resources.
When meeting the non-compliant employee, build a good relationship where both parties can ask questions openly. Never attack your employees for mistakes and discover any forces outside work that distract them.
- Explain the consequences
You must clearly outline the consequences if that employee remains non-compliant. The consequences would depend on the severity of their behavior.
Remember that firing employees isn’t always the end-all solution and that you might not even have legal grounds to do so in all cases. There are other consequences, such as limiting promotions, privileges, or bonuses.
- Be positive
The fear of consequences is a motivator for employees to change non-compliant behavior. But don’t always focus on the negative. You can use a positive motivator as well. Set benchmarks for employees by outlining the performance and results expected of them and the rewards they can get.
You can create rewards for accomplishments, emphasize teamwork principals, among other incentives.
- Stay consistent
Whether you outlined the negative and positive motivators, you must live up to your word and stay consistent with what you ordered. Lack of enforcement or nor delivering to your promises will send a message that no one should take your word seriously. And the same would follow when it comes to workplace rules and compliance issues.
You must maintain professional relationships that don’t cross lines, deliver rewards within reasonable timelines, and give non-compliant employees their consequences rather than simply letting them go “this time.”
- Measure progress
The only way you’ll see if non-compliant employees improved is when you track progress. Monitor your employees’ behaviors and observe them for the next few weeks after your conversation.
Wrapping It Up
The next time you’re dealing with a non-compliant employee, you now know what to do with the tips above.
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